Never before has it been so quick and easy to create microprocessor-based circuits. With the
advent of the new PIC range of 8-bit microcontrollers and the high performance, low cost
software available, a project can take literally a morning to progress from initial conception to
final prototype.
Developing a PIC-based project takes only six easy steps:
1. Type in the program
2. Assemble the program into a binary file
3. Simulate the program and debug it
4. Load the binary program into the PIC’s memory
5. Wire up the circuit
6. Switch on and test.
It’s as easy as that!
In the early 1980s, the term PIC stood for Peripheral Interface Controller. These devices were
originally designed for use in applications with 16-bit microprocessors and computer peripherals,
remote control transmitters, domestic products and automotive systems.
While the PIC data sheets are both comprehensive and informative, it is quite difficult and time
consuming for the beginner to wade through the documentation to find out where and how to
start. The objective of this book is to get the reader up and running in hours rather than days.
After reading this book and building the easy projects described, progressing to more advanced
systems with other PIC microcontrollers is quite straightforward.
What makes a microcontroller useful?
A microcontroller (or microprocessor) can be viewed as a set of digital logic circuits integrated
on a single silicon ‘chip’ whose connections and behaviour can be specified and later altered
when required, by the program in its memory. The great advantage of this, is that in order
to change the circuit’s structure and operation, all that is needed is a change in the program -
very little, if any, circuit hardware modifications are necessary. An alternative view is that a
microcontroller is a state machine whose logic states are defined by its program.
A microprocessor is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer and a microcontroller
can be regarded as a microprocessor designed specifically for use in applications where machines
such as automobile engines or washing machines are to be controlled. Often the distinction
between microprocessors and microcontrollers is quite blurred, as there is considerable overlap
these days in the classification of different types of computing devices.
A typical microprocessor is a device used in workstation computers, whereas a microcontroller
is usually less powerful and has special features such as PWM (pulse width modulation) and
timer devices integrated on the IC specifically for use in the applications mentioned above.
Never before has it been so quick and easy to create microprocessor-based circuits. With the
advent of the new PIC range of 8-bit microcontrollers and the high performance, low cost
software available, a project can take literally a morning to progress from initial conception to
final prototype.
Developing a PIC-based project takes only six easy steps:
1. Type in the program
2. Assemble the program into a binary file
3. Simulate the program and debug it
4. Load the binary program into the PIC’s memory
5. Wire up the circuit
6. Switch on and test.
It’s as easy as that!
In the early 1980s, the term PIC stood for Peripheral Interface Controller. These devices were
originally designed for use in applications with 16-bit microprocessors and computer peripherals,
remote control transmitters, domestic products and automotive systems.
While the PIC data sheets are both comprehensive and informative, it is quite difficult and time
consuming for the beginner to wade through the documentation to find out where and how to
start. The objective of this book is to get the reader up and running in hours rather than days.
After reading this book and building the easy projects described, progressing to more advanced
systems with other PIC microcontrollers is quite straightforward.
What makes a microcontroller useful?
A microcontroller (or microprocessor) can be viewed as a set of digital logic circuits integrated
on a single silicon ‘chip’ whose connections and behaviour can be specified and later altered
when required, by the program in its memory. The great advantage of this, is that in order
to change the circuit’s structure and operation, all that is needed is a change in the program -
very little, if any, circuit hardware modifications are necessary. An alternative view is that a
microcontroller is a state machine whose logic states are defined by its program.
A microprocessor is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer and a microcontroller
can be regarded as a microprocessor designed specifically for use in applications where machines
such as automobile engines or washing machines are to be controlled. Often the distinction
between microprocessors and microcontrollers is quite blurred, as there is considerable overlap
these days in the classification of different types of computing devices.
A typical microprocessor is a device used in workstation computers, whereas a microcontroller
is usually less powerful and has special features such as PWM (pulse width modulation) and
timer devices integrated on the IC specifically for use in the applications mentioned above.
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